Events and Book Fairs
Ouroboros Press gets around. Here you will find places and dates where readers can see us and our books. We love the opportunity to share our work with the book world. If you would like to see Ouroboros Press at your book event please reach out to us on our contact page.
Jan 18 - Moonwalking: Lunar Mansions in Theory and Practice. Daedalus Books in Portland Oregon 6pm.
April - Event in London - TBA
May 8 - Seattle Art Book Fair. Washington Hall Seattle Washington.
Sept. Texts and Traditions Colloquium & Mortlake Book Fair. The Northwest's primer esoteric conference and book fair featuring guest speakers and several occult publishers.
Jan 18 - Moonwalking: Lunar Mansions in Theory and Practice. Daedalus Books in Portland Oregon 6pm.
April - Event in London - TBA
May 8 - Seattle Art Book Fair. Washington Hall Seattle Washington.
Sept. Texts and Traditions Colloquium & Mortlake Book Fair. The Northwest's primer esoteric conference and book fair featuring guest speakers and several occult publishers.