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- CLAVIS: The Green Key
CLAVIS: The Green Key
Occult Arts, Letters and Experience
Volume Four
Edited by William Kiesel and Daniel Schulke
Art Director: Tom Allen
Book Design: Joseph Uccello
Cover art: Madeline von Foerster
Fine Press Occult Art Journal. 114 pages.
Sewn softcover binding with full color art, tables and diagrams.
Various Esoteric Authors and Artists are represented in this series of Occult Journals that span the spectum of esotericism in historical, practical and artistic fields. Each volume features a selection of art and essays by historical figures and contemporary practitioners of the occult world.
The Green Key Contributors: Merzena Ablewska-Lech, Tom Allen, Jeremy Bechelli, Audrey Benjaminsen, Corinne Boyer, Marlene Seven Bremner, Santiago Caruso, Robert Steven Connett, Fredrik Eytzinger, John Kleckner, Darius Klein, John Maplet, Andrzej Masianis, Janelle McKain, Johnny Decker Miller, Lee Morgan, Dale Pendell, Liv Rainey-Smith, Radomir Ristic, Catamara Rosarium, Harold Roth, Joseph Uccello, Madeline von Foerster.
Contents of Volume Four
The Green Key - Editorial
Navigating the botanical Labyrinth of the Picatrix Incense Formularies - Catamara Roasarium
Curating the Magical Garden - Harold Roth
A Casket of Green Poyson, Newly Open'd - John Maplet
Polyphasic Conscioiusness and the Reflection of the Occult Imaginal - Lee Morgan
The Spirit Meadow - Daniel A. Schulke
Marqunis' Amulet: An Untitled Alchemical Poem by Ibn Umail - Tras. Darius Klein
Old Crone Tree of the Dark Edges - Corrine Boyer
Curse the Eyes of the Thief - Fredrik Eytzinger
Love Alchemy and Demon Work - Dale Pendell
The Fairy Springs - Radomir Ristic
An Aromatic Miscellany - Collected by Jeremy Bechelli