We have temporarily closed book sales on the website between March 10 and April 30 while away for a Residency in Los Angeles. I will continue to sell and ship out the Hand of the Philosophers letterpress print from Los Angeles. Book sales will begin again upon my return in Late April. Below is a schedule of events I will be participating in including a Mortlake and Company / Ouroboros Press Pop-Up at the Magicians Mercantile at 22 Teachings [LOS ANGELES TAKE NOTE].
Hope to see you there! William Kiesel 2023 Spring Residency for 22 Teachings School of Hermetic Science and Magical Arts March 14th Lantern Sub Rosa March 16th Automatic Drawing March 22 & 23rd Lunar Mansions March 28th The Lantern As Above So Below Mar 31 Pop Up - Mortlake and Company / Ouroboros Press April 1st Fools Day at 22 Teachings April 6th Star of the Sea Lunar Rite April 11th Lantern St Germain April 12th Secret Language of Sigils at the Philosophical Research Society April 19th and 20th Hermetic Arcana in the Emblem Tradition April 25th Lantern Grimoires Comments are closed.
William Kiesel
Publisher, Hermetic Qabalist and Symbol-Systems researcher and educator. Archives
March 2023